It’s a Nigerian thing. As soon as you hear a figure in foreign currency, you quickly go for your calculator-imaginary or otherwise-and convert it into dwindling-in-value-naira.
It doesn’t matter whether the money is yours or someone else’s but as soon as a $ 100 is mentioned, visions of about N16, 000 float around your head.
That’s easy. But when it comes to the amount of money R&B musician Darey Art Alade allegedly paid famous-for-being-famous, reality star Kim Kardashian to come to Nigeria and help host his show two weeks ago, you’ll need a calculator, pen and paper…as well as a healthy heart! Rumours are that Kim K was paid about $500,000, roughly N80 mn.
Nothing to worry about, it’s just enough to buy about 40 plots of land, 10,000 bags of rice or sink about 160 boreholes. Not so much, except that it can sponsor about 157 students through the university for four years, build a 10 blocks of four classrooms each, and buy 228 Keke Maruwa vehicles. Well, it’s not like it’s our money, so no need to mention that with an additional $25,000, Kim’s pay could sponsor two individuals in need of kidney transplants.
It’s not like Nigeria is facing a water crisis or has thousands of homeless people. Isn’t our education sector in top shape and our transport system spotless? Surely unemployment is not an issue for us and everyone is healthy here. All we needed was a 45 minute dose of Kim Kardashian!
Source: Vanguard
Great write-up. Totally agree with u!