Monday, 8 April 2013

Photo: Introducing 'Origami' Condom of The future

Our civilization has explored outer space. We have cars that drive themselves. We've created a world connected by computers. But despite the astonishing innovations of the last 100 years, the latex condom remains woefully old fashioned. It practically hasn't changed since its invention in 1918. And I think we can all agree that condoms are universally hated—a necessary evil of safe, protected sèx.

Future patron saint (should his design work the way he says) Daniel Resnic is seeking to change all that with the first non-rolled, injection-molded, engineered, silicone condom. His invention is called Origami and it looks like this:

origami condoms
According to the creator, this new condom simulates the way bareback sèx feels and is actually a safer option than traditional latex condoms. From the company's website:

"Unlike the conventional rolled latex condom (indirect transferred sensation), the OMC is designed to CREATE sensation internally with direct tactile contact. It provides a reciprocating motion of the penis inside the internally lubricated condom (not possible with rolled condoms)."

And if you thought the folks behind Origami only catered to heterosèxual males who practice vaginal intercourse, fear not. The company has also designed a female condom and the world's first condom specifically for receptive anal intercourse.

Anything that makes sèx with a condom feel better is good for lowering the transmission of disease and unwanted pregnancy since people may be more likely to use barrier protection if it didn't interfere with the experience. After all, condoms only work if you wear them. In addition, however, the Origami could actually be a safer option as it is supposedly less likely to break or slip off during intercourse.

Origami still needs to be reviewed by the FDA and various other watch dog groups to meet rigorous testing standards, but clinical trials have begun and the company expects the Origami design to reach market by early 2015. To the future!
Watch this uncomfortable video of a french-manicured woman give a HJ to a dildo to see how the Origami Male Condom compares to a plain latex one.

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