Sunday, 5 May 2013

DJ Jimmy Jatt Looks naked without Cap

Artistes known to always rock hats are gradually giving it up. GT the Guitarman once told Saturday Beats that he ditched his hat because he was rebranding himself. Banky W nowadays leaves home without his hat.
However, DJ Jimmy Jatt told Saturday Beats that shyness made him embrace the hat fashion but feels nakéd without them now.
“I doubt I would stop wearing caps. It is not impossible, but it wouldn’t be immediate. I have been wearing hats for a very long time. I started wearing them out of shyness. I used to be very shy, I still am, but not as shy as I used to be before.

“Out of shyness, I used to use the cap to cover my face and move around people. Now I am so used to it that if I don’t wear a hat, I feel nakéd. I can’t put a figure to the number of hats I have because anytime I shop, I shop for hats as well. I bring some new ones in and get some old ones out. At any given time, I can conveniently tell you that I have at least a hundred hats,” he said.
The veteran disc jockey said that he was not impressed with the stance of disc jockeying in the nation. To him, things should be better.
Jimmy Jatt said, “The growth of the music industry in Nigeria definitely will reflect on every department of music which DJing is part of. Although I’ll not say it has affected the DJs well enough compared to what every other person in the music industry is getting. Things may be good for a few of us but it is not general.”
Always a hard worker, he told Saturday Beats what he has a tight schedule. He said, “I am always working. We have a number of singles to put out in the next couple of weeks. We are working on a movie as well. I am not going into movies, but it is a part of what we do
“I’m more into production. I have acted in some movies maybe the movies were not released for some reasons. I’ll not say I’m an actor. In most movies, they call me to come play as myself, so I am Jimmy Jatt on the movie. As a DJ, I have been touring and moving a lot. I have been in about five countries. I am just a mobile DJ ready to do gigs.”
Punch Nigeria

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