Wednesday, 15 May 2013

John Legend: “If Chrissy & I Broke Up, That Would Be Tough”

Nine time Grammy award-winning artistJohn Legend is an interesting fella. He’s incredibly talented, well-poised, handsome and somehow, still has room left in between writing music classic music and acting, for a sense of humor. He recently made headline news for allegedly cheating on his supermodel fiancée Chrissy Teigen, who he says is his opposite. While the rumor that he made out with some random at the club is just hearsay and bathroom stall chatter, one thing is for certain, if John lost Chrissy, he’d be devastated....

Read the interview with HelloBeautiful...
Check out our 5 Star Treatment below:
*If I was stranded on a desert island I’d bring… my phone so I won’t be stranded for too long. Now, there’s so much technology, you can cheat a lot. If you bring two or three things and you can have the whole world at your footstep. So, I would bring my iPhone and laptop so if I had some musical ideas, I could record them on one of those things. And, I can try e-mailing people.
**The one thing that I don’t like about myself… It’s funny, I think I’m attracted to people who are a little different from me. Like Chrissy is less afraid of confrontation and me–I’m more like keep the peace and should be more confrontational.
*** The best way to get over a breakup… I haven’t been through a really hard breakup because before Chrissy, I had never been with anyone longer than six-nine months. I never had a long relationship I had to recover from. They were all not so serious before. If Chrissy and I broke up, that would be tough because we’ve been together for quite a long time and I wouldn’t exactly know how to get over that.
****I express my love… Through song. Through gifts and being romantic and loving. I think those are the good ones. Show that you’re thinking about somebody.
*****My last moment of lust…Laughs. Last night

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