Friday 26 April 2013

5 Ways To Make A Girl Want You

These are a few tips to help you make that girl like you so much; she’ll be willing to have s*x with you.
1, Let her see your great side. If you want to have s*x with a girl, you definitely have to be good enough to get her attention. If she thinks you’re desirable and everything she wants in a great guy, half  of your work is done already.
2, Let her know you’re interested in her. Talk to her, smile at her, and let her catch you staring at her now and then. Make her wonder if you’re interested in her without revealing too much.
3, Spend more time with her. If you want to have s*x with a girl, the only time you can work your magic is by getting some alone time with her. You need to make her feel comfortable to be with you. But you can’t do that when there are other people around.
4, Touch her gently.  Don’t grab her. Just touch her softly. Touch her hair and her hands but not so often that she’ll get scared. The touch is a very powerful way to send the right signals across without seeming desperate. Look for ways to touch her arm or hold her hand at the right times.
5, Invite her to your place. Invite her to your house, or let her invite you to hers. You’ve built the tension already. She knows you’re not just a friend, and she definitely knows you’re attracted to. By getting comfortable in each other’s homes, you automatically get comfortable with each other.

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