Friday 19 April 2013

Nigerian Teenager, Opemipo Jaji Found Guilty Of Rape, Faces Life Imprisonment

A teenage paedophile obsessed with 'little white girls' is facing a life sentence for molesting an 11-year-old girl while he was on probation for another sex offence.

Opemipo Jaji, 18, was under a supervision order for having child bad and had just left an appointment with the Probation Service when he followed the victim as she took a bus home from school.

The Old Bailey heard the girl was molested repeatedly over three hours and traces of her blood were found on his bag and trainers. Sentencing is due to take place on 7 June. Mr Justice Singh told the court that a life sentence was an option.

The jury was told the girl was attacked on her way home from school after she got off a bus in Enfield. Jaji, who had also been on the bus, started following her, feeling threatened, she crossed the road three times before starting to run in an attempt to get away.

But the teenager grabbed her and took her to a secluded part of the park where he forced a glove into her mouth before molesting her. After the attack, the girl told police, she tried to escape twice but Jaji threatened to stab her, saying "I am this close to killing you".

Sarah Maclaren, from the Crown Prosecution Service, described the rape as a "vicious and horrific attack". Throughout the case Jaji denied his involvement in the assault. But during the trial the jury was also told that he had pleaded guilty to previously sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl in 2011.

He had followed the girl from a bus stop and took her to a housing estate where he threatened her, stuffed a school tie in her mouth and sexually assaulted her. Jaji was sentenced to a 10-month detention and training order but was not registered as a sex offender.

Jaji will be sentenced on June 7 after psychiatric and probation reports are prepared.

In addition to a jail term he is expected to be banned from communicating with young girls and using the internet.

He will also be required to sign the sex offenders register for life.

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