Tuesday 7 May 2013

Reasons Why You Always Feel Tired - Experts

In this age of excessive busyness, many people experience constant exhaustion. This may be due to many reasons, including spending hours in traffic jams, doing overtime to earn more money and running part-time studies after work.
For people in this category, waking up with pain is the norm, while constant dull headache is almost always a companion. They seem to be in perpetual state of serious tiredness and exhaustion every day.

Experts say there are many reasons people get frazzled easily. Such reasons, they say, can be physical, mental or emotional. Indeed, researchers say 10 per cent of all visits to a doctor’s office are because of constant burnout.
Medical experts define fatigue as a state that is not related to an illness, though it does result in “decreased ability to maintain function or workload due to mental or physical stress. It sometimes leads to progressive decline in alertness and in the ability to process information.”
Scientists say there are two major factors that can lead to weariness — lack of sleep and disruption of circadian rhythm, which may be due to irregular work schedule, especially among those who run shifts, such as doctors, nurses or factory workers.
Experts say sometimes, the lassitude is not due to exertion, nor is it significantly relieved by rest, yet doctors may not be able to trace it to other medical conditions. When langour reaches this level, they say, we might as well be talking of myalgic encephalomyelitis, otherwise known as chronic fatigue syndrome.
‘What causes fatigue?’ you may ask. According to Dr. Oluwanisola Adedoyin, the first and commonest cause of exhaustion is lack of enough sleep. He says, naturally, anybody should be able to fall asleep within 10 or 15 minutes of hitting the bed, and anything short of this signals sleep deprivation.
Experts agree that even when an individual is tired, noise during the first and last two hours of sleep has the greatest disruptive effects on the sleep cycle, leading to weariness when constantly experienced. They are of the view that if fatigue is not relieved by enough sleep, good nutrition, or a low-stress environment, you should see your doctor.
Another reason why people are jaded, experts say, is when they are anaemic. Adedoyin says iron is an important building block for red blood cells, but when the body does not have enough iron, it will make fewer red blood cells, leading to iron deficiency anaemia. “This may be one of the physical reasons for burnout,” he warns.
Those whose diets consist of only vegetables such as strict vegetarians, and older adults who don’t eat balanced diets are prone to iron deficiency anaemia, experts say.
Indeed, experts warn against eating too little or not eating balanced diet. Nutrition expert, Dr. Taiwo Craig, says, “We get our energy from complex carbohydrates, fat and protein in our diet. We therefore need a certain balance of the three to be healthy and energetic. When we don’t get this good balance, we can easily become fatigued. So, to beat weariness, eat balanced diet daily.”
According to online portal, healthreviser.com, 50 per cent of each meal should contain complex carbohydrates such as a variety of vegetables, bread, whole-grain rice, or oatmeal; 30 per cent of good fats like fresh fish, nuts, or olive oil; while the remaining 20 per cent should be lean protein such as meat, eggs, avocado, nuts or beans. Everything should be eaten in reasonable proportion, they counsel.
Again, certain medications such as sedatives or antidepressants may also lead to fatigue, scientists say. Ditto the regular use of alcohol, nicotine or abusive drugs such as cocaine, heroin, cannabis, etc.
Eating too much sugar can also lead to fatigue, physicians say. While natural fruits, vegetables and some grains give the body the sugar it needs for energy, refined and processed sugars such as the ones found in soft drinks and the so-called fruit juices are said to cause damage to the body.
“This kind of sugar practically goes straight into the bloodstream, flooding it with more glucose than it can use, which is why you get that false burst of energy; but soon after, there’s a letdown (fatigue) and your body craves more. Meanwhile, the excessive glucose turns into fat, hence the weight increase usually noted among sugar addicts,” experts note.
 The weather, too, can sometimes trigger bouts of depression and fatigue. Described as Seasonal Affective Disorder, environmentalists say this happens when it’s rainy and cloudy, and there is so much less sunlight.
These days, it has become the fad to join one fitness programme or the other. Yet, scientists say though exercise is good, excessive physical activity that strains the body can lead to fatigue. They advise finishing any form of exercise at least three hours before bedtime, to allow the body to wind down effectively.
Doctors also say urinary tract infection can sometimes announce itself through exhaustion. Researcher, Dr. Rinku Chatterjee, says apart from the burning pain and sense of urgency, in some cases, fatigue may be the only sign that makes you suspect you’ve contacted UTI. He recommends urine test to confirm and treat it appropriately.
Finally, when you are dehydrated, you can become fatigued, experts say. Chatterjee says whether you’re working out or working a desk job, your body needs water to work well and keep cool. By the time you’re thirsty, he warns, you are already dehydrated.
He urges water intake throughout the day so your urine is light coloured. “Have at least two cups of water an hour or more before a planned physical activity. Then, sip throughout your workout and afterwards, drink another two cups,” he advises.
Chatterjee also notes that when fatigue strikes during everyday activities, such as cleaning the house or weeding the yard, it can be a sign of heart disease. “You should see your doctor and embark on lifestyle changes, among other recommendations your physician may prescribe,” he says.

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