Many of you will already have seen Dede Koswara “The Tree Man” a few years ago when a picture of him posted on the internet sparked a veritable media frenzy. Thanks to the attention, an American dermatologist was able to diagnose his condition as a rare combination of conditions, and offered to treat the tree-like growths that were consuming his body and had cost him his marriage, his job and his independence.
The surgeries went well, for the first time in over a decade Dede was able to use his hands again and walk without pain, and so his story has been largely forgotten. But sadly, the story hasn’t ended there.
More photos after the cut.....
The story of Dede’s condition begins 30 years ago when he was 10 years old. Whilst out in the forest near his home on the island of Java in Indonesia, Dede cut his knee whilst out in the forest. Shortly afterwards, small warts sprouted around the wound, which eventually spread to his feet and hands.
As he grew older, his warts continued to grow. Eventually the sheer number and size of them meant that his ability to carry out his job as a tradesman suffered, and though the warts didn’t hurt or itch, they gave off a sickening odour. At 28, Dede’s wife of 10 years left him as he became unable to work to support her and their two children.
Dede ended up travelling with a circus to earn a living. It was whilst he was there, that a photo of him posted online attracted the attention of a group of documentary makers who sought the advice of dermatologist Anthony Gaspari, about what was causing his condition.
When he was 10 years old, Dede cut his knee…small warts sprouted around the wound, which spread to his feet and hands.
It was discovered that Dede had contracted the common human papillomavirus, a condition that usually causes small warts like the ones he first developed as a child. However, a rare immune deficiency allowed the warts to grow out of control, leading to the root-like barnacles known as cutaneous horns which eventually covered his face and limbs. According to the leader of the team which treated Dede at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung, “he is like an HIV patient, but he is negative. Because his immunity system is so weak, it’s easy for other infections to enter his body.”
Dede looking better
after treatment in
Unfortunately, it was shortly after this point that political complications led to conflict between Gaspari and Indonesian officials. Though things were eventually cleared up, the problems resulted in Gaspari’s departure from the medical team before Dede’s treatment could be completed. Indonesian doctors tried a second round of surgeries, but Dede’s warts returned.
Gaspari believes that a complete cure would require a bone marrow transplant or other procedures not readily available in Indonesia. “There are things I still want to do for Dede, but my hands are tied,” he said. “The government seems to view me as some outsider butting in where I don’t belong.” Meanwhile, Indonesian officials are reluctant to let Dede travel abroad for care, fearing he would become exploited as a medical research project.
All of this of course leaves Dede stuck in the middle. “For a cure,” he says, “I’d go anywhere in the world.” Sadly, all he and his family can do is hope that he’ll be allowed to.
I remember this man's story. I hope he can find the treatment he needs.
Very sad indeed!
Let all who learn of this needy man pray that he will obtain the treatment he so desperately requires. Only God can help him now. Jesus is ever merciful!
All kinds of parasites lie between dede and cure, the worst one being politics. They dont care about dede's fate, only about themselves, their personal glory, including by cultural means like religion, patriotism, populism.
this also means that he can infect other people, I hope someone will take care of this man, as I understood of the vid the indonesian authority did an operation some 10 years before, but all growth back, I think all doctors should work together and discuss with eachother, together is ALWAYS can exchange thought and share views, I also believe that if more doctors are involved...there would be a very good result in helping this man, he has no immunity, a very bad liver, this is very bad...I hope they can make life more comfortable for this man.
I think that doctors must TALK to eachother before putting all the thing in the media, maybe doctor Gaspari should have contacted the Indonesian doctors before ? I think he is a good man but I think you wouldn't be please if an overseas doctor would came to look for one of your patient without consulting you...this is inpolite ?
Lets all pray for Dede. Thats really all we can do. Let us all also be grateful for our lives. Whatever problems we may have, I am sure we would not want to trade our problems for Dede's.
It's a shame that the Indonesian government is preventing Dede and his family from seeking medical attention elsewhere. The government fears that other countries will exploit him, they say they are protecting him, but they are the ones doing that! Scandalous. And Dede pays with his life. What a travesty. The whole world is with you Dede. Don't give up. Let's hope you get the proper help you need before it's too late.
What the hell did the Indonesian doctors think before? What the hell does the bloody Indonesian government think now?
Back in time Indonesian doctors saw him as a advertise case... Give a child a scalpel and show it how to use it for 2 days and here you are with another surgeon...
Great job, doctor Gaspari! You definitely make me think over my up to present choice of specializing surgery after graduating.
It may just be me, but it seems that putting someone through several surgeries which would leave many wounds all over the body and also put some's body through a lot of stress may not be a good idea. This becomes especially true considering the patient has a severely compromised immune system. If that wasn't reason enough for the doctors to change from a surgical to a medical treatment the patient was diagnosed with Tuberculosis and Hepatitis when he first was brought into hospital. The surgeons thought that only one month of postponement was needed before the first surgery was performed. All of the decisions which were made by the doctors and the government in Indonesia were not for Did e's benefit, but solely for their own ego and publicity. Putting all of that aside, I will never understand why the Indonesian doctors would simply hack away at a man knowing full well that what they were doing would not only not get rid of the virus and therefore everything would grow back, but that their surgeries were very likely to cause severe side effects. The surgeons performed the surgeries to use Dede like a guinea pig and to also say to their country as well as the world, "look how clever we are". The surgeon's in Indonesia really should be ashamed of themselves. I do hope that Dr. Gaspari is able to get the paperwork and funding that he needs to bring Dede to the United States so that he can hopefully help the man get back to the life that he obviously loved.
Liver failure is an accepted risk. This man desperately needs further more invasive care not available in Indonesia. The egos surrounding this case management are disappointing. Indonesian government, please allow this man to travel to the necessary hospitals and countries needed to immediately continue his treatments before it's too late and all the warts return as before! Have mercy on this man and let go of ego!
Why did it have to get political.
Politics is like 2 children with Opasitional defiance disorder (ODD) Arguing in a school play ground.
Not know each others ideas and opinions are credible and have a high chance of success but because they are ODD No matter what is said or done neither agrees with the other.
Instead of working against the American dermatologist they should work with him for the sake of Dede and leave the political bullshit out of it.
Please! Get this human being the help he needs! Can't you see he's suffering? Imagine being in his shoes! Indonesian government, I beg you to set this man free to get the best medical care before it's too late! No one should have to suffer, because of someone in power has their own agenda! PLEASE!
It's very sad,,He is dead now (saturday, 30 January 2016).Hope his family and his child will strong
5 years ago I had warts, I was treated with some liquid applied to the warts they continued to grow and spread... The next 2 doctors did laser surgery to remove them. 1 year after the surgery, they grew back close to where the 1st ones were' so I was finally told it was hpv. I have had it for very long time, I contract it from my cheated boyfriend and I found out he was also infected and I end up the relationship between us. the warts was so embarrasses because it started spreading all over I have be dealing with this things for very long time the last treatment I take was About 2 years ago I applied natural treatment from Dr waziri herbalhome, a week after applying the treatment all the warts was gone. it's now 2 years and some months I don't have single wart or any symptoms of hpv. wow"" it's great, Dr waziri has finally cured me. Anyone living with hpv contact Dr waziri for natural treatment.
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The government needs to stop thinking about themselves and help their people. His story along with many others needs to be heard.
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