Wednesday 31 October 2012

Pathetic Photos: Lagos Life on the water front

I am so short of words. In a country where many politician launders public funds to their offshore accounts, in a country where a common local government councilor can afford to buy a Murano Jeep for his concubine and lavish luxurious spendings on their numerous girlfriends, a country which ironically flows with milk and honey; truly the rich gets richer and the poor gets screwed  #StonePoliticians

I am so short of words, in a country where many politician launders public funds to their offshore accounts, in a country where a common local government councilor can afford to buy a Murano Jeep for his concubine and lavish luxurious spendings on their numerous girlfriends, a country which ironically flows with milk and honey; truly the rich gets richer and the poor gets screwed  #StonePoliticians

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